The ultimate debate: Pain au chocolat or chocolatine?

Let yourself be transported to a small Parisian street corner bakery with our “Pain au chocolat ou chocolatine?” candle.

Who are Les Français du Québec?

Les Français du Québec have been present on social networks since their arrival here, to our great pleasure. They make us rediscover Quebec with a new and different perspective. Following their jump from Paris to the Quebec countryside, follow their discoveries and their adaptation to our corner of the country.

See their TikTok channel

The candle that ends the debate!

Put an end to the debate and let yourself be transported to a small Parisian street corner bakery with a comforting and delicious atmosphere. Our candle “Pain au chocolat ou chocolatine? » recreates this gourmet ambiance, transforming your space into an olfactory escape through the cobbled streets of Paris.

Are you international?

Shipping available to Canada, United States and France. If you would like to receive our products in another country, write to us at to place your order!